What You Can Expect

I like to use analogies in my work, and there is one in particular that I think best illustrates what therapy is like.

tangled_350If you’ve ever untangled a ball of twine (or string or necklace or garden hose), you might think of therapy as a similar process. First you start in the obvious place, maybe a loose area that looks promising or a knot that might be easy to pick apart. You work on this for a while, and hopefully it comes loose and that frees up the next section. Or maybe it doesn’t release and you realize that you need to start somewhere else. You continue in this way, working at sections, freeing them up, maybe finding something you didn’t notice before, then working at it, until ultimately you have untangled the entire thing. From here, you are able to start fresh with an unfettered length of string.

To relate this to therapy, our process starts with me helping you explore the obvious things that aren’t working for you. As we work through these, you will free up new insights, gain more freedom and move on to other areas. untangled_350Or you might get stuck on a spot, and we’ll realize that we need to go back and work through some more knots. You’ll begin to see how one part of your life affects another, how your past affects your present. As we identify these interconnections, we will continue to unravel them. With gentle guidance and steady support, I’ll help you smooth out the old tangles and, in doing so, free up new emotions and open up new perspectives. With an understanding of what’s behind you and a clean slate ahead of you, you can begin to create the relationships you want and deserve and the future you’ve dreamed of.

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